Words that build

Have you ever represented anyone or anything?

When you're a member of a group or representing someone, what you say and how you say it count for a lot. Everything you say must reflect the person or thing you represent.

As Christians, we are ambassadors or representatives of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). Jesus works through His Church to accomplish His will on earth.

Since everything we say and do must reflect Jesus, we must choose our words wisely. If we use words to slander, hurt or harm, it reflects neither the heart nor the character of Jesus. But if our words are used to encourage, enlighten and bless others, then God may find it an opportunity to speak to people and do them a great deal of good.

You certainly know the power of words. Has anyone ever said something hurtful to you? Where do you remember the last time someone paid you a compliment? Do you remember how you felt in each of these situations? It's the same thing that happens to other people after you've talked to them.

You can't control what others say, but you can control what you say to others. So take a few moments to think about the things you've said recently. Is there anything you've said for which you need to ask forgiveness? Choose today to represent Jesus and his character in word and deed.

Yes, you can choose to do good, encourage and edify in words. It's an intentional choice.

Pasteur Clémentine


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