We have received the Seal of the Holy Spirit

"And it is God again who has marked us with his seal, as his own possession, and who has put his Spirit in our hearts as a down payment for the good things to come." 2 Corinthians 1:22
When we were born again, we received the seal of the Holy Spirit. There's no need to ask whether the Holy Spirit resides within us. Don't think that this experience is accompanied by manifestations of ecstasy. We need to know that if we don't have God's Spirit, we don't belong to him.

The seal evokes four things:

1. The safety

Having received God's mark, you are under God's covering and unassailable. Where does it come from that a child of God believes he is possessed by demons? How can a child of God be afraid of sorcerers? Your life is hidden with Jesus Christ in God, You are invulnerable to the eyes of the enemy.

2. The property

You are God's temple, for God's Spirit dwells in you. You are a movable tabernacle. Because of this, you will never end up in hell. It's a privilege to know that you belong to God, who has power over all things.

3. The authority

Since creation, man has had the power to dominate, rule and subdue. Unfortunately, this power was lost through sin. Having received Jesus Christ, you have returned to grace, for you are a recreated being. Now you have the power to declare the Word, so that it can be fulfilled with divine speed. Christ has given you the power to tread on serpents, scorpions and all the power of the enemy, and nothing can harm you.

4. Authenticity

Having received the seal of the Holy Spirit, you are an authentic believer. Don't forget that it was the Word of God that begot you; there is no error in the Word. If at your natural birth your life was marred by irregularities, now you are perfect in Christ. Who will accuse God's elect is who justifies you. You'll never end up in hell.

The Holy Spirit has been given to us as a down payment, a guarantee of payment. When Jesus Christ returns, only those who have received the mark of this seal will be raptured.
Will you be?

Rev. Élysée Zogo

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