The Problem of Doubt
It is written: "And Moses said unto them, Let no man leave any until the morning. But they did not obey Moses, and some left it until morning, and worms and a bad smell came up; and Moses was angry with them." (Exodus 16:19-20).
Doubt weakens faith and reduces it to nothing. If a man wants to engage in spiritual combat or any other battle, he must banish doubt within himself. Doubt makes one weak and stands in the way of enterprise. It creates fear. And no one can evolve with fear. According to the Scriptures, "God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of strength, charity and prudence." (2 Timothy 1:7) Doubt is an obstacle to faith.
When doubt sets in, failure follows. That's why trust is a fundamental law for those who want to engage in business and prosper.
Doubt creates fear, which in turn causes strong moral and spiritual instability in a man's life. It weakens the action of the Holy Spirit and distances man from the divine presence. In Eden, the serpent created doubt in Eve's heart, destabilizing her and leading her into sin. As a result, Eve and Adam were estranged from God's presence.
The children of Israel were seriously hungry and lamented against Moses and Aaron when they received the manna. God allowed this temporary suffering to test the degree of faith of His people in Israel; but unfortunately, it created in them doubt and fear of tomorrow. They wanted to keep it, however, because God had guaranteed that they would have enough for every day. Jesus said to Mary: "If you believe, you will see the glory of God. (John 11:40)
Let's remember: "So don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about the things that concern it. Each day has its own troubles." (Matthew 6:34)