The Holy Spirit in action in our lives.

The Holy Spirit is at work in our lives every day.

One of the ways we see the Holy Spirit at work is through the gifts He gives us. Each of us has received at least one gift of the Holy Spirit, which we can use to serve others.

The Holy Spirit also helps us to grow in our relationship with God. He convicts us of our sins and leads us to repentance. He also comforts us in our times of distress and gives us the strength to lead a godly life.

The Holy Spirit is an essential part of the Christian life, and we see His action in our lives every day.
The apostle Paul tells us in Romans 8:26 that "the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words".

This verse gives us a great insight into how the Holy Spirit intercedes in our lives. He does so by his very presence with us, groaning deeply within us. It is God's Spirit, living within us, who gives us the grace to cry out to God from the depths of our hearts.

And it's his very presence that gives meaning and power to our prayers. When we pray in the Spirit, we pray according to God's will, and the Holy Spirit himself intercedes on our behalf.

We can rest assured that when we pray by the Spirit, our prayers are heard and answered by God.

1 thought on “Le Saint-Esprit en actions dans nos vies”

  1. I want the Holy Spirit to teach me day by day to lead a life of sanctification. Although things seem more and more difficult to the point that our strength is impossible to do it but only with the help of the Holy Spirit can I overcome.

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