Justice through Faith
So what shall we say?
The Gentiles, who did not seek righteousness, obtained righteousness, the righteousness that comes from faith, while Israel, who sought a law of righteousness, did not attain that law.
Because Israel sought it, not by faith, but as from works. They have stumbled against the stone of stumbling, as it is written: Behold, I lay in Zion a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, and he who believes in him shall not be put to shame (Romans 9:30-33; 10:1-13).
The apostle Paul, in returning once again to justification by faith, does so to insist that there is no other means by which it is possible to be washed clean of the defilements of sin. The blood of Christ flowed on the cross, and purified by faith all sinners who to him.
"Christ is the end of the law for the justification of all who believe." (Romans 10:4) In these times of grace, God has used faith as the only law of righteousness. For if righteousness is to be sought by works, then all the Bible's commandments must be obeyed, since a single act of disobedience condemns us. This is Israel's problem today. The Jews did not believe, seeking righteousness by works, but ultimately went astray, far from the truth. That's why Jesus told them: you die in your sins. (John 8:24)
"Now it is by believing from the heart that we attain to righteousness, and it is by confessing with the mouth that we attain to salvation." (Romans 10:10) Confessing one's sins to the Lord alone, repenting, believing in God's forgiveness and confessing Jesus as Lord and Savior, are the four essential steps to entering the kingdom of God.
We cannot love God, nor believe in Him, if we do not read the Bible; for faith comes from what we hear, and what we hear comes from the Word of Christ (Rom.10: 17).
P. Clémentine