Jesus accomplishes the impossible
Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:26 is often taken out of context. Many people have interpreted this verse to mean that they can do anything they want in life, because God can do the impossible. This too often leads us to ask God to do selfish things.
To understand what Jesus wants to tell us, we need to read the preceding verses. In Matthew 19:16-22, a young man comes to Jesus asking for eternal life. Jesus tells him that he must give up all his earthly possessions, which the young man is not prepared to do. And because he failed this test, the young man did not inherit eternal life.
Jesus makes it clear in Matthew 19:23 that it is very difficult for a rich man to enter heaven. The fact is, Jesus' love demands everything we are. Our ultimate love cannot be divided between Jesus and anything else.
The disciples then asked, "Who then can be saved?" Jesus answers in Matthew 19:26 that it is impossible for man to save himself, but it is possible for God. God can do the ultimate things that man cannot.
We cannot earn our salvation. Nor can we work hard enough to obtain it or attain it on our own. We just can't. But with God, if we believe, salvation is made possible to us. We can have access to God through the work of the Cross. As His Spirit dwells in us, He reveals to us the things that are in the heart of God.
What in your life is limiting your faith in Jesus? Maybe it's a relationship, the desire to be rich and have material possessions, or marriage? Whatever it is, God has the power to remove those barriers from your heart so you can go to him.
So today, spend some time with God and ask him to search your heart. Ask him to reveal to you all the things in you that keep you from loving Jesus more. Then do something courageous: hand those things over to God and stop running after them.
Pasteur Clémentine