How can we take criticism on board and benefit from it?

We've all been there. Someone gives us constructive criticism and we immediately go on the defensive.

Our first reaction is to justify our actions or point out the other person's faults. But if we can get past this initial reaction, we'll be surprised how much we can learn from other people's criticism.

Proverbs 10:17 tells us that he who heeds criticism is on the path of life, but he who ignores reproach goes astray.

This verse reminds us that when we receive criticism, we should listen to it and try to learn from it instead of seeing it as an attack on our character.
Of course, not all criticism is created equal. There will always be people who criticize just for the sake of criticizing or because they like to see others struggle. But if the criticism comes from a place of concern or compassion, then it's worth thinking about.

How do you know if a review is worth listening to?
There are a few questions you can ask yourself to help you determine whether the review is worth listening to

-Who's the critic?
Is it someone you respect and admire?
Does this person have your best interests at heart?

-Is the review based on fact or opinion?
If it's based on opinion, you can take it with a grain of salt. But if it's based on fact, you know there may be some truth in it.

-What's the critic's motive?
Is it trying to help you improve in a certain area?
Or is he just trying to tear you down?

-How do you feel after hearing the review?
If you feel angry or defensive, that's a good indicator that you need to take time to think about what's been said before responding. On the other hand, if you feel open and receptive to what has been said, chances are the criticism is coming from a place of love and concern.

-Is there any truth in what has been said?
Even if the person who criticized you didn't come from a place of love or concern, there may be some truth in what they said. It's important to examine his or her words carefully and see if you can learn anything from them, trying to take on board all the criticism will only lead to frustration and anxiety. So take time to pray about it, and ask God to help you discern which criticisms deserve your attention and which you can let go.

The next time someone gives you constructive criticism, don't get defensive!

Instead, take the time to evaluate what's been said and ask yourself if there's anything to be gained from it. Chances are, if the critic has your best interests at heart, his or her words will only serve to increase your wisdom and knowledge.

So listen carefully, and thank them for their lucidity!



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