God's universal love

For GOD so loved the world that he gave HIS ONLY begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life, John 3:16.

In His Unalterable Love for man, THE GOD OF LOVE has given him the possibility of being saved from death by obtaining eternal life by believing in JESUS-CHRIST HIS UNIQUE SON. Indeed, THE SON of GOD frees from the condemnation of sin, relieves from every burden, and gives HIS REST to everyone who believes in HIM.

For in the magnificent Plan of the Heavenly Father for human beings, death was to have no power over them. But because of sin, Adam and Eve lost the privilege of living eternally in paradise, where they had dominion over all Divine creation. However, GOD's Promise to us is Eternal Life, reveals the Bible in 1 John 2:25.

Man is the only being created in the Image of God, and according to His Resemblance, as Genesis 1:26 attests. This makes him a marvelous creature, as Psalm 139:14 confirms. And when we do the Will of our Creator, we are blessed. For GOD HIMSELF takes care of us, assures 1 Peter 5:7.

THE LORD JESUS loves you, and HE wants to restore in you the power to dominate. So that in the NAME OF JESUS, you may be more than conqueror over sin, demons, sickness, worries, unbelief, and all the power of the enemy.
Do you want to know GOD's Unchanging Love for you?
Now is the right time to receive THE LORD JESUS as your Personal SAVIOR, if you have not yet received him into your life. For the world passes away, and so does its lust; but he who does the Will of GOD abides forever, promises 1 John 2:17.

In CHRIST, your life will be renewed, your happiness will begin on earth, and continue to heaven for all eternity in the House of our Heavenly Father. So sin, sickness, worries and evil spirits won't be able to harm you; for on the cross, THE LORD JESUS overcame them for you. All the days of your life, you can rejoice in the LORD THE FAITHFUL GOD who comforts you, granting you His Grace, and His Compassions which are renewed every morning, according to Lamentations 3:22-23.

Let us rejoice in the Universal Love of the Most High GOD for all His Creation. As it is written in the Bible in Habakkuk 3:18: Nevertheless, I will rejoice in the LORD, I will rejoice in THE GOD OF MY SALVATION. Yes, let our joy be perfect.

P. Clémentine

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