God's grace and forgiveness extended to all
In Romans 1:24-25, we see that God gives us over to our sin not because he takes pleasure in it, but because of his great mercy and love. By giving us over to our sin, he is actually showing us his grace. He gives us what we deserve, "death", but instead offers us life through his Son, Jesus Christ.
In these verses, we see that those who turned away from God worshipped the creature rather than the Creator. They exchanged God's truth for a lie, and served creation rather than the One who created it. As a result, they dishonored their own bodies. But even in this state of rebellion, God did not abandon them.
Instead of abandoning them to their sin, he gave them over to him. This may seem a strange way of showing mercy, but in reality it was an act of great love. By handing them over to their sin, he gave them grace. He was giving them what they deserved, "death", but instead he was offering them life through his Son, Jesus Christ.
This is the message of the Gospel: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). His death was the payment for our sin, and His resurrection guarantees our new life in Him. Thanks to what Jesus did, we can now be forgiven and have eternal life with God.
If you're feeling overwhelmed by your sin today, remember that there is hope! The message of the Gospel is one of forgiveness and new life in Christ. No matter how far you are from God, know that His grace and forgiveness are yours in Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Amen! Glory to God!