God will judge all our actions
Let's listen carefully to the conclusion of this whole discourse: Be filled with respect for God and obey His commandments, for this is what is essential for man. For God will judge every work, even those done in secret, good and bad. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
The book of Ecclesiastes is full of wisdom for living a meaningful life, and these verses are no exception. Here, the author tells us that the most important thing for man is to follow God's commandments. And why is that?
Because in the end, it's God who will judge all our actions, good or bad. Whether we do something in secret or in broad daylight, God sees everything and knows the true intention of our hearts.
This should make us realize that each one of us is called to be filled with respect for Him, and inspire us to obey His commandments. After all, it's He who knows what's best for us, and what will lead us to a life full of purpose and satisfaction. When we submit to His will, we can be sure that we are making the best choices for our lives.
This book of Ecclesiastes ends with some final thoughts from the master. Let us live our lives knowing that everything we do is observed by a holy and just God. And let us strive to please him in all we do. Let us always seek God's will, not our own, glorifying him in all circumstances, good or bad. The exhortation is intended to help us understand who God is.