The Practice of Good, for much Good
We've all been there. We've done something good, then felt the need to do even more good to make up for it. We think: "If I can do enough good, then maybe God will forgive me for my past". But the truth is that no amount of good can ever make up for our sin. Only God's grace can do that.
The practice of good
Doing good is a common thing among believers. We see someone in need and we want to help. We see a friend in trouble and we want to be there for them. We see a problem and want to solve it. Doing good is a natural response for believers. But sometimes we can go too far.
We can begin to believe that if we do enough good, God will forget our sins. We think that our good deeds will outweigh our bad ones and that somehow this will put us right with God. But the truth is that no amount of good can ever make up for our sin. Only God's grace can do that.
Too much good
When we try to do too much good, it can become a bad thing. We can begin to believe that we are better than others because we do more good than they do. We can start to think that our good deeds will earn us salvation. But the truth is that none of us is good enough to deserve salvation. It is only by God's grace that we are saved.
The next time you catch yourself doing something good, ask yourself whether you're doing it out of a desire to please God or out of a desire to please yourself. If it's the latter, then you may be going too far in doing good. Remember that no amount of good can ever make up for our sin. Only God's grace can do that.
Have a nice day!