Do good works and study God's word
Do good works and study God's word
God loves you and wants the best for your life. He has given us a wonderful gift in the person of his Son, Jesus Christ. He died on our behalf so that we could be saved from eternal disaster by trusting him as Lord of our lives. And what greater reward could there be?
Christians believe it's important to do good works. Good works are the things you do to show your faith in God. You can do good works by helping other people, being kind, or giving your time or money to charity.
The Bible says: "Put the word into practice and do not just listen" (James 1:22). This means that it's not enough to read and study the Bible. We must also put into practice what we learn by doing good deeds. Christians believe that if we live our lives in this way, our reward will be great. We will receive eternal life in heaven and be with God forever.
It's simple, really. We can trust Him above all else, because we know He's good and will always do what's best for us. When things get tough - and they will, because this world is full of sin - we can find peace by resting in Him. And when we do good works, as the Scriptures command, our reward will be great.
So let's concentrate on studying the Word and doing good works. Both bring glory to God. How have you seen God work in your life lately? How do you plan to serve Him in the coming year?