Come and plead! Says the Lord
"Have you, purify yourselves, Remove from before my eyes the wickedness of your deeds; Stop doing evil. Learn to do good, Seek justice, Protect the oppressed; Do right by the orphan, Defend the widow." (Isaiah 1:16-17)
God asks us, his people, to purify ourselves and rid ourselves of the wickedness of our actions. He tells us to learn to do good, to seek justice and to protect the oppressed.
Doing God's will is the key to living a long and blessed life. When we follow His commandments, we live in accordance with His will for us. This brings blessings into our lives and enables us to be a blessing to others. It's only when we stray from his will that we encounter problems and difficulties.
But even then, God is always there to help us get back on track. All we have to do is turn to Him and ask forgiveness. He's always ready and willing to forgive us and help us live the life He wants for us.
Have you ever wondered what it means to purify yourself? I have. And I think the answer is simple: you have to remove the wickedness from your actions. That doesn't mean we have to be perfect, because none of us are. But it does mean that we have to stop doing evil and learn to do good.
God calls us to abide in goodness. It also means seeking justice for the oppressed and defending those who cannot defend themselves. Because that's what God wants us to do. He wants us to be a light in the darkness, to show the world his eternal love, mercy, justice and goodness. And when we do, we will be blessed.
God bless you all!