A Transformed Person

Have you ever been in a situation where you wished you'd had a second chance? If so, you're not alone. Pierre went through the same thing.

Peter was one of the twelve disciples. He was invited by Jesus himself to abandon his life as a fisherman and follow him during his ministry on earth. The night Jesus was betrayed, Peter followed him to his so-called trial. The people around him were openly hostile to Jesus. Imagine how he must have felt, surrounded by people who might have decided to treat him the same way they were treating Jesus at that very moment.

In Matthew 26 and Luke 22, we read that Peter chose to keep a low profile. He didn't want to be noticed by the angry crowd. This didn't work for long, however, as three different people recognized him as a disciple of Jesus and questioned him about it. All three times, Peter denied knowing Jesus.

However, if we read the scriptures a little further on, we see Peter doing exactly the opposite. In Acts 2, he is standing in front of a crowd in which potential persecutors could well be found. But this time, instead of denying Jesus, he proclaims the gospel: repentance and baptism in Jesus' name in order to receive forgiveness of sins and the Holy Spirit.

It was risky. How would they react? What if they had done to him what they had done to Jesus? Yet Peter was brave. He was not the same person he had been at the beginning of the story.

How was Pierre transformed? He was restored by Jesus. He also received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Two major events took place between these two passages of scripture: Jesus went to meet Peter and, with grace, restored him. Then, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven on Jesus' disciples. With the Holy Spirit came power, empowering believers to live bold, transformed lives (Acts 2).

Many of us know such moments when we have to choose between courageously standing up for Jesus or pretending not to know him. What will the others think? What are they going to do?

Here's the good news: we're never alone. We don't need to rely on our own courage. The Holy Spirit is with us every day, empowering us to be courageous and transformed. With his help, we can live this transformation daily.

You can start today. Courage is for now. The Holy Spirit is ready to walk with you.

Pasteur Clémentine

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