After planting papaya seeds, you can expect a papaya tree to grow. It's the seed and the roots that describe what kind of tree is growing.
In the same way, by belonging to God, we can expect goodness and justice to grow in our lives. The fruits of our actions best describe what kinds of seeds we have planted.
We can recognize God's work in our lives by the fruit we bear. If our heart desires to live and act according to God's word, that too is a sign of spiritual growth. But this can only happen if we spend time with God.
The Lord urges us to pay close attention to the kinds of fruit our lives produce: a true commitment to God and spending time with Him, will then naturally produce an upright life that glorifies God and creates impact.
The goal is not to count our good deeds, but that our hearts and lives become a source of life and blessings for many. Even if we are not yet perfect, let's not lose sight of the fact that God wants us to be His ambassadors on earth. His work must be done through us, if we want it and if we put ourselves in condition.
Think about your past week: have your thoughts, actions, attitude and heart reflected a good relationship with God? Think about the habits and activities you can give up, and the ones you can adopt to spend regular time in God's presence.
Pasteur Clémentine