The Golden Rule
- Part 1
In his talk in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ announced spiritual laws and rules to which men are subject even if they neglect them. And yet, these sacred obligations impact their daily lives in countless ways!
(Matthew 7:12) "Whatever you want men to do for you, do likewise for them, for this is the law and the prophets."
We will learn two of these laws in this text: Do unto others as we would have them do unto us. They will respect us if we respect them; they will return the consideration we have for them, the love we have, the help we often give them. They will pray for us, support us, advise us wisely, defend us as long as we are positive towards them too.
However, if we are wicked, we will receive wickedness, or betrayal, hatred, rejection, etc., from others. It's a spiritual law established by God and it's self-executing. It's established that way in heaven.