Reconsider the Basics of the Family Unit
1. The notion of family: a rough definition
The family is the basic reproductive nucleus of human life, and the fundamental context in which it is affirmed.
It was the first human community whose presence and functioning shaped the rest of human societies, whatever their form.
2. Biblical example of a successful family upbringing: Moses' parents
Moses' parents were all from the tribe of Levi, so they feared God, and his father Amram and mother Jokobed saw to his upbringing from an early age. Moses was molded in a family climate of faith. His parents laid the fundamental foundations for his attachment to Jewish culture. That's why he was willing to give up his princely interests rather than falsify his identity. God's Word says apropos: "Instruct the child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it. You can continue this study by reading Exodus 2:1-10."
Family foundations are being destroyed today because of parental resignation. All the feats Moses achieved were largely due to the successful family upbringing imposed by his parents. Dear parents, don't be lax and irresponsible. Otherwise, it's your children who will pay the heavy price in the future.
May the Lord bless you!
Rev. Élysée ZOGO