Esau's Spiritual Blindness
"As Jacob was cooking a soup, Esau returned from the field, weary. And Esau said to Jacob, 'Please let me eat some of this red wine, this red wine, for I am tired. That's why Esau was given the name Edom. Jacob said: sell me your birthright today. But Esau said, "I'm going to die; what good is this birthright to me? Jacob said, "Swear to me first. So he swore to him, and he sold his birthright to Jacob. Then Jacob gave Esau bread and lentil soup. He ate and drank, then got up and left. So Esau despised his birthright." (Genesis 25:29-34)
Esau is the image of a blinded Christian. He was someone who wanted to fight with life to obtain blessing. He didn't understand that success in life didn't rest solely on one's work or personal strength. He didn't realize that it is the blessing of the Lord that enriches and is followed by no sorrow (Prov. 10:22). Here are two observations on his blindness.
1. Esau lived only for the present
Because of a little trial time in the face of starvation, he gave in to the easy way out. Dr. John C. Maxwell said, "You can accept suffering for the present and have fun later, or you can have fun now and suffer later."
Work on your temperance and patience. Character is not a gift, it's a victory, and it must be worked on. Character is the measure of a Christian's maturity.
There are people who have fun with their lives and don't want to take the time to think deeply about them. People who can't see beyond the end of their noses. These are people who live from day to day. They are slaves to the present.
2. Eaü had despised spiritual things
Esau wanted God's blessing, but he didn't want God. Jacob had understood from their many exchanges that Esau despised spiritual things. This is the image of someone who rarely reads the Bible; someone who resonates with God's Word; someone who neglects prayer in his life and career. He hadn't understood that it was the birthright that was to give him the double portion. (Deut. 21:17)
The double portion is the presence of the Holy Spirit within us. This is what the prophet Elisha asked of his mentor Elijah. We can all appreciate the dimension of Elisha's prophetic ministry. There is a portion that the Lord gives to all men, but those who believe in him receive the double portion. David, Daniel, Joseph, Esther and many others received it.
Rev. Élysée ZOGO