God's Sentinel

"Son of man, I appoint you a watchman in the house of Israel. You will listen to the word that comes from my mouth, and you will warn them on my behalf." Ezekiel 3:17

The sentinel is the pastor, the priest, the evangelist, the prophet, the chorister, the monitor, the apostle, the conductor, anyone whose responsibility it is to communicate God's message. He receives this communication from Him to faithfully retransmit it to the world. Many have fulfilled this function well in the past. Today we have people who are truly born again and saved.

The sentinel's mission is to call out, without ceasing or hesitation, to the people of God and the world when their movements become offensive to God and unethical. You don't light a lamp and then cover it with a basket (Mat. 5: 13-15). Why bother? In the face of so many suffering hearts, abuse, Satanism and widespread atheism, can the sentinel stand by and say nothing? In other words, he bears full responsibility for such situations. (Ez. 3: 18-21) God says: "You will listen to the word that comes from my mouth, and warn them on my behalf." (Ez. 3: 17)

The sentinel proclaims the message of God's love through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, so that whoever will listen and believe, will be saved. The sentinel exhorts, warns, advises, challenges, proclaims God's will. He does not frame the irrationality of situations, but points the way to the hope of God's love.
P. Clémentine

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