You are called to communicate Life!
The Bible is a book that helps us to live life to the full. It teaches how we can have true happiness in this world and eternal bliss with God after death. If only our lives could be directed by God's words! For he who has found the word of God has found life. He has obtained the favor of the Lord. (Inspired by Proverbs 8:35)
The Bible says, "My word is Spirit and life". God has given us life through his son Jesus Christ. The Word leads us to manifest joy and peace in our daily lives. It's an inner work that begins when we're ready to take up this challenge. Life, happiness and love are found within each person. God's Word is an inexhaustible source of life, with which he fills us, edifies us, reassures us, delivers us and frees us from ignorance.
When we feel joy, peace and love in our hearts, it's important to spread these emotions to the world around us. That way, everyone can feel them too!