In Jesus Christ
All things are possible to him who believes (Mark 9:23).
It's faith that unites us with heaven and gives us the strength we need to confront the powers of darkness.
In Jesus Christ, God has given us the power to overcome every evil tendency and resist the strongest temptations.
The righteous have always obtained help from on high. How often the enemies of God have combined their strength and science to destroy the character and influence of humble Christians who trusted in God. But since the Lord was their defender, no one succeeded in influencing them. Let men separate themselves from their idols and the world, and the world will not separate them from God.
Christ is our present and all-powerful Saviour. In him lies all fullness. Christians have the privilege of knowing that Christ is truly present truth for them. "The victory that overcomes the world is our faith. All things are possible to him who believes, and whatever we ask for in our prayers, if we believe we can receive it, we have. This faith will dispel the darkest clouds and burst rays of light and hope into the languid, discouraged soul. It is the absence of this faith that breeds perplexity, anguish and the suspicions of the evil one. God will do great things for his people, when they put their complete trust in him.
It is by faith that God's children "conquered kingdoms, exercised justice, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, recovered from their diseases, were valiant in war, put to flight foreign armies". It is by faith that we can reach the heights that God proposes to us today.
Glory to God!