Experiencing the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ
(Matthew 24:1). The Bible is God's Holy Word that cannot fail, so everything announced in it will come to pass. It tells us of Christ's return, first through Jesus Christ Himself and then through the apostles (John 14:2-3; 1Thess. 4:13-18).
But some pertinent questions may arise:
- When will he be back?
Jesus answered, "As for the day and hour, no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone." (Mat. 24:36). This answer should challenge us deeply, and encourage us to live in daily expectation.
We're not going to wait for a specific day or time for our repentance and conversion, to believe in his promise or believe in his name, to be baptized in his name, become his disciple and serve him, etc. no. "While it is said, Today, if ye will hear his voice, Harden not your hearts," (Heb. 3:15)
- What is he coming back to do on earth, since he said on the cross that all was accomplished?
First and foremost, he is coming back for his Church (all those who believe in Jesus and are born again). God does not intend His people, His children, to pass through the great tribulation that will take place. In other words, God's children will not pass through the judgment or the great tribunal reserved for those who have not believed (John 3:18).
Those who die in faith in Jesus Christ will be resurrected on that day, together with those who are alive, putting on an incorruptible and immortal body fit for a heavenly life (1Th. 4:15-17).
May the Lord help us to live the return of Jesus Christ in our hearts like Paul the apostle, to rejoice in hope and endure trials. For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ (1Th. 5:9).