About us

Our vision

Parole de Vie is a non-profit organization whose mission is to teach the Word of Life because I know it will help people. It changed my life, and now I'm on a mission to spread the word.

The aim of our association is also to raise funds to help young people in need in Africa. Services provided include housing, food and education.

We're here to help you progress, to help you learn how to learn, to be there to advise you when you need it, to support you in difficult times, to motivate you. We're convinced that you can do it.

Lord, teach me to follow you.

Our Values

  • The soul -> Galatians 5:16-26
  • The soul under the control of the Fruits of God
  • Do not let the book of the law depart from your eyes; read it day and night (Living, not according to the flesh, but according to the spirit of God).
  • The practice of good
  • The Fruits of the Spirit are: Love, Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Temperance.
  • I live and walk by the Spirit
  • Getting down to work - Working with your own hands
  • Questioning yourself (Am I still in the Spirit of God?)
  • I become joy (I live with Jesus Christ through his word - Living in Christ's compassion)
  • I become goodness
  • Little Christ is us
  • Jesus Christ is love
  • Being a fellow citizen with the holy people of God's household - Ephesians 1:19-20
  • Being saved by grace and obtaining salvation by grace - Ephesians 2:8-10

I can't remember how I discovered the Word of Life, or why it resonated with me so deeply. All that mattered was the message: teaching people life's most important lessons because they need to be reminded of what really matters! And now, as part of my mission for this organization, I'm spreading their messages far and wide to make sure everyone knows exactly where hope lies when you're lost at sea, your soul empty...

When I was young, my parents took me to this church where they taught about salvation and how we could be saved. It made such an impression on me that even today, as adults with children, it's not uncommon for us to still go every Sunday! One thing you'll notice as you walk through those doors is the warmth of all those people inside who love to share what God has done in their lives too - which makes sense given that He changes everything, including relationships... including yours

I know we're all made of something. I was like you, walking in the dark not knowing what was going on and why things seemed so unfair, until one day a friend told me about his experience with cancer and another person who had committed suicide right next door to him; then everything changed for me because now there's hope! I want anyone who feels lost or hopeless to know that this world can sometimes be cruel, but that doesn't mean your life has no meaning.

Our team

Pasto Round Bust

Pasteur Clémentine

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life. He is my VIP (Very Important Person). His presence in my life is essential. He is my Shepherd, my Way, my Truth and my Life.
Ben Iluka

Pastor Ben Iluka

I believe that Christ died for our sins and rose again for our justification. Thus, by placing our trust in Him, God gives us by grace the fruit of Christ's merit.

Georgette Junckel

My values and vision are currently being drafted...

Yannick Junckel

My values and vision are currently being drafted...
Fely round

Félicité Pouilley

Give the best of yourself and help those in need. To live in compassion and proclaim the word of God to the ends of the earth. To be determined to do good and to live in love.
Elisee Zogo Rond

Reverend Elysée Zogo

My values: Integrity, Humility, Courtesy, Work, Excellence, Orthodoxy of the Word.
My convictions: belief in the Trinity, belief in the five ministerial gifts and the manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit, belief in the resurrection of the saints and the rapture of the Church, belief in eternal life.

Gérard Atangana

My values and vision are currently being drafted...

Madelaine Ngah

My values and vision are currently being drafted...
Vincent round

Vincent Pouilley

I practice kindness, sharing, caring and a positive spirit in love. I love to learn and share my new knowledge.