About us
Our team
Pasteur Clémentine
I believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life. He is my VIP (Very Important Person). His presence in my life is essential. He is my Shepherd, my Way, my Truth and my Life.
Pastor Ben Iluka
I believe that Christ died for our sins and rose again for our justification. Thus, by placing our trust in Him, God gives us by grace the fruit of Christ's merit.
Georgette Junckel
My values and vision are currently being drafted...
Yannick Junckel
My values and vision are currently being drafted...
Félicité Pouilley
Give the best of yourself and help those in need. To live in compassion and proclaim the word of God to the ends of the earth. To be determined to do good and to live in love.
Reverend Elysée Zogo
My values: Integrity, Humility, Courtesy, Work, Excellence, Orthodoxy of the Word.
My convictions: belief in the Trinity, belief in the five ministerial gifts and the manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit, belief in the resurrection of the saints and the rapture of the Church, belief in eternal life.
My convictions: belief in the Trinity, belief in the five ministerial gifts and the manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit, belief in the resurrection of the saints and the rapture of the Church, belief in eternal life.
Gérard Atangana
My values and vision are currently being drafted...
Madelaine Ngah
My values and vision are currently being drafted...
Vincent Pouilley
I practice kindness, sharing, caring and a positive spirit in love. I love to learn and share my new knowledge.